ESPIRITO 2k10 is aimed at bringing out the thrurst for knowledge and creativity, and with the same objective, we present a swathe of technical programs wherein we offer, all the enthusiastic minds eager to innovate implement and experiment , a platform for learning and exploring the eminense of Science.
ESPIRITO 2k10 is National Level Technical Fest being organised in Malla Reddy College ofEngineering & Technology conducted bt Department of Computer Science.
For us at M R C E T , ESPIRITO '10 is not just a technical fest, it is our passion. It won’t be any exaggeration to say that it is now a part of our lives. We have tightened up our belts, pulled up our socks and are all set to play hosts to the preeminent technical fiesta - ESPIRITO '10. The stage is all set and is all yours to conquer. Welcome!